Conway Data, Inc

Virtual Offerings

Hear from Conway experts on strategies and pracitical tools that locations and communities can employ to keep ahead of the competition and compete for high quality investmet and jobs.

Virtual FDI Offerings

Conway can help successfully promote your region through a variety of customizable packages. We have worked with over 5000 investment promotion professionals from investment promotion and economic development agencies from across 50 countries.

FDI Training

Learn from global experts on how to position your location and attract high quality investment and jobs for your community. Conway’s training is practical in nature and works to equip investment promotion professionals with real life skills that will instantly benefit them in their jobs of promoting their region.

December Training

Course Content Sample Topics For Custom Training:

The Global State of FDI and Site Selection 101

As global FDI flows decrease exponentially during the Covid-19 crisis and competition for investment projects increases, hear what top site consultants are hearing from corporate clients. Which location factors are climbing in importance and which are diminishing? Discover how companies really make location decisions and explore the stages in the FDI lifecycle and how these have been affected by the global events of 2020.

New Marketing Realities in the Age of Coronavirus

As travel restrictions and new economic realities further the potential for Investment Promotion disruption, there are still opportunities to help your organization build key relationships, strengthen your brand, and communicate in ways that align with new norms and approaches. Join Conway’s marketing experts to unlock the strategies, tools and tactics that you will need to jumpstart your marketing + communications in this turbulent time.

Data Driven Lead Generation

This session will explore traditional methods of lead generation in identifying investors as well as taking a deep dive into the use of data in the lead generation process. Conway Advisory’s consultant explains how the use of data is vital in effective investment attraction. With data-driven lead generation, Investment Promotion Agencies gain an unmatched competitive advantage when targeting prospective investors. Use this session to stay on top of new investment trends with real-time data analysis and dig down into the data that really matters in working out the right targets for your community.

Creating Your Sales Strategy

Looking back at their strategy work with Investment Promotion Agencies, our speaker outlines the elements of a successful FDI sales strategy. This course focuses on the A-Z elements of how a successful business recruitment team operates. From building the team to how you target companies, this session focuses on the essentials of the sales process.

LinkedIn Masterclass

LinkedIn is perhaps one of the most underutilized tools in the economic developer’s tool kit. This session walks the delegates through this amazing tool and explains how they can leverage it to identify leads, schedule meetings, and build relationships.


We have a full catalog of training topics, sessions and/or can tailor sessions to your needs. All sessions have been updated to take into account the current COVID crisis and ever more competitive FDI landscape.


Thought Leadership Webinars

Case Studies


Pro Panama

Innovation Norway

St. Petersburg

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  • +1 (77o)-446-6996
  • 6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 200
    Peachtree Corners
    GA, 30092
    United States

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